Early-Bird Registration is not available.



Please read carefully this page before registering.

Registration Fees

Registration should not be paid here for papers selected by the PC for presentation on site in Japan: instead, those authors will register at the IVA 2021 site.

Registration for publication + virtual poster presentation should be paid via the above link. Click on Tickets, then select "Full Regular BICA*AI 2020 JVRT Registration". The registration fee is $250 USD + tax. Every page in excess of 12 should be covered by a separate Extra Page Fee of $50 USD + tax. One-year complimentary BICA Society membership is included in registration. Do not pay before the notification of acceptance. No refunds will be provided, regardless of circumstances.

Participants affiliated with NRNU MEPhI should contact Alexei Samsonovich before registering.


CLOSED Registration Fees

Registration fees depend on the publication modality. Numbers below do not include any applicable tax or payment processing fees. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer free online participation to all. Only registered participants will be admitted to the virtual events.

  • Attendance, Discussion or Presentation without Publication: Free (an EasyChair submission of a bio, an abstract, an extended abstract or a paper is required and serves as your registration in this case).

  • Guest Registration without an EasyChair Submission: US$ 25.00

  • Publication + Presentation, Regular: US$ 250.00

  • Extra Page Fee, Springer papers only: US$ 50.00

  • Publication without Presentation: N/A

Participants affiliated with NRNU MEPhI should contact Alexei Samsonovich before registering.
