Time Left Before the Submission Deadline:

Submission Guidelines

Suggested paper length is from 4 to 12 pages. Every page in excess of 12 should be covered by an Extra Page Fee of $50 USD. No paper shorter than 3 or longer than 20 pages can be published in Procedia. Strictly follow the formatting of the template (Word or Latex) found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mnln7ckguduycy9/AAB5oLpcVhmWuiCfcVDt6Gb_a?dl=0

Submit to EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bicaai2020. Select the first track. Indicated publication preferences do not determine the actual publication venue: it will be decided by the Program Committee. Submission should include: PDF, source, and Procedia Declaration form. Improperly formatted manuscripts will be returned.

Every accepted paper must be covered by a separate registration. Registration SHOULD NOT be paid here via EventBrite for papers selected by the PC for presentation on site in Japan: instead, those authors will register at the IVA 2021 site.

CLOSED Submission and Presentation Guidelines

In this year we use two publication venues: Springer's book series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) and Cognitive Systems Research, an Elsevier journal. All initial submissions, however, must be formatted using the Springer template. Links to the template and to the submission site are at the bottom of the right column.

The BICA*AI 2020 conference in this year uses one form of participation:

Virtual (remote, online), requiring participation either in the Joint Virtual Reality Track (JVRT) on October 10-11 or in the Main Event on November 10-15, or both.

In this year we use two virtual presentation formats: e-poster and talk. Each form of participation allows registered participants to make presentations and publish papers in all BICA*AI 2020 great publication venues. Presentation without publication is also welcome. The timing and preparation instructions for presentations depend on the chosen form.

Therefore, we ask you to decide, which form of participation is right for you: e-poster or talk, before you go to the EasyChair submission page. And you are more than welcome to do both!

Finally, if you would like to propose a discussion panel or a virtual sub-event that you will chair, or to offer help as a Program Committee Member, or to provide us with a technical support, then you should select the corresponding track.

Multiple submissions are encouraged; however, each accepted paper must be covered by its own Registration payment. We are looking forward to your submissions!
