Important Dates
Now accepting submissions for the BICA Workshop at Fukuchiyama, Japan, to be held as a part of IVA-2021 on September 14. The conference IVA-2021 and its workshops will be entirely virtual. Papers will be added to the BICA*AI Procedia Computer Science volume.
- The Last Round Deadline:
April 1
Procedia submission deadline:March 11
- Notification of acceptance:
March 25
- Camera-ready version due:
April 13
- BICA Worksop at IVA21:
September 14
- CSR submission: until
November 2021
For details, please see CFP, Submission and Registration. We are looking forward to your papers!
Other Outdated Details
Virtual participation is free: please see Registration for details. Due to Covid-19, both, Robotica 2020 and BICA*AI 2020 scheduled for Nov 10-15 in Natal were virtual-only events. See Venue for details.
- Publication venues include Elsevier's Cognitive Systems Research (JCR IF=1.4) and Springer's AISC (all WoS/Scopus-indexed), please see the Submission tab.
- The official conference venue is Natal Convention Center (Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil); however, due to Covid-19 the conference will be entirely virtual.
- We welcome all forms of participation, with or without a paper.
- In this year we host a Joint Virtual Reality Track (JVRT), unifying BICA*AI 2020, IOSBICS 2020 (a part of CAICS 2020), and ITR and ICOM sections on Oct 10-11.
- The main BICA*AI 2020 event is scheduled for Nov 10-15.
- Main point of contact for BICA*AI 2020: Alexei Samsonovich (
Core Organizing Committee
- Alexei Samsonovich (NRNU MEPhI) — General & PC Chair
- Ricardo Gudwin (Unicamp, Brazil) — PC Chair
- Alexandre da Silva Simões (Unesp, Brazil) — PC Chair
- Esther Colombini (Unicamp, Brazil) — Local Chair
- David Kelley (AGI Lab @ Microsoft, USA) — Financial Chair
- Antonio Chella (University of Palermo, Italy)
- Rosario Sorbello (University of Palermo, Italy)
- Jan Treur (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Paul Robertson (DOLL, Inc., USA)
- Christian Lebiere (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- Olivier Georgeon (Catholique University of Lyon, France)
- Junichi Takeno (Mejij University, Japan)
Sponsors, Co-Organizers & Partners